He has kindly payed for TS, For 3 months. Its a 16 slot server which we believe will be more than enough, Because whats the chances of us all being on at the same time
Anywayz, The details are -
Join in, Get either Sammy, Sereval or Myself to register you.
Last night the AUS boys faced off against DcS on Karkandfu.
We pracced it up and jumped in the server ready to see what the DcS fellas had in store for us.
First round saw AUS:LID take the defensive stance as MEC while DcS played as China. Our strat almost succedded except they got around behind us off rollout and capped market. With 3 pieces of armour to contend with it wasnt looking to good as we felt the pinch at the Temple flag by a good lockdown which didnt allow us out of that flag at all. The AUS commander failed and called for a full team Zerg to get Market back which eventuated into a successful capout by DcS to take the first round 109-0.
1st Round-DcS 109-0
In teamspeak nothing was changed to the current China rollout so we went into the round fired up and ready to test the DcS guys. After a Zerg on the first flag (Village) we capped and started to make our way to temple. DcS werent going to let us take it lightly and had the flag on lockdown for the start of the round. With sneaky Panda attacks not working due to a well thought out and played lockdown by DcS we werent able to gain any momentum and were pushed back out of the city, DcS win 81-0.
DcS Win-190-0
Well played DcS and we're looking forward to the next time we get to play you guys.